Blazor StateHasChanged() Oct. 12, 2018

A review of the ASP.NET Community Standup, what happened at DevUp, highlights of Blazor Dual Mode and more. This week we dive into Entity Framework Core’s In-Memory Database Provider. We do some basic CRUD operations using Blazor and EF.

Watch Blazor StateHasChanged is your weekly dose of Blazor community news and live code demos. from EdCharbeneau on

ASP.NET Community Standup: The Blazor Show!

On this weeks ASP.NET Community Standup, the topic is Blazor! Steve Sanderson demo’s the new Provider component and a method of sharing data between components that is so easy it makes Daniel Roth’s head explode.

Blazor Dual Mode

Demo on how to dynamically switch from client to server side mode by appending ?mode=server to the url.

Mono Updates for 0.7.0

Speculation that Blazor 0.7.0 will have improved client-side debugging.

EF Core In-Memory Database Provider

On this show we used the In-Memory Database Provider to create a data sandbox. The first half of the show I struggled with the database not persisting as I had recalled it working in the past. Thankfully the chat room pushed through the issue and we found a resolution together. After the show ended, I looked at some previous samples and found how I had made it work before using only Startup.cs. You can see a reworked version of this example of Startup.cs below. This method doesn’t require hacking at Program.cs.

Events and More

Come hear about Blazor live and in person. DevReach, Sofia Bulgaria

Thanks to everyone who learned about the show at DevUp, St. Louis, USA

Podcast: Eat Sleep Code

Blazor Gitter

Chat with other devs about the Blazor project.

Ed Charbeneau

Ed Charbeneau

I'm Ed Charbeneau, web enthusiast, speaker, writer, design admirer, and Developer Advocate for Progress.