Blazor 0.8.0 Migration and CSS Builder

On this weeks Blazor StateHasChanged we migrate an existing 0.7.0 project to 0.8.0. This is a good learning experience to see what has changed in the underlying framework bits since the move to Razor Components on ASP.NET Core. There were quite a few name space changes in the framework including: Razor Components name space, base component class names, and even JavaScript dependency names. We also see how to tackle conditional CSS Classes with a simple pattern that gives syntactic sugar to building CSS strings.

Telerik UI for Blazor: Grid Component Basics

Telerik UI for Blazor is a brand new library of UI components for the Razor Components and Blazor frameworks. Even though Telerik UI for Blazor is in an “Early Preview” stage it ships with one of the most popular and versatile UI components, the data grid. The data grid features out-of-the-box functionality like paging, sorting, templates, and themes. In this article we will focus how to get started with the grid’s basic features.

Razor Components First Official Preview

The Blazor world has been bustling with activity lately! This blog walks you through the recent release of Razor Components and also offers an overview of the 0.8.0 Blazor release.

CSS Builder

When building complex components for ASP.NET Razor Components there are often CSS classes generated by multiple factors. Styles can often be added by system & component state, public parameters, and static base CSS classes. Combining many CSS classes together doesn’t scale well, and when components get large it can be tough to reason about. The CSS builder pattern fixes this problem by offering a easy to repeat, easy to read pattern to use across components in a project. A clean code approach to conditional CSS in Razor Components.

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Ed Charbeneau

Ed Charbeneau

I'm Ed Charbeneau, web enthusiast, speaker, writer, design admirer, and Developer Advocate for Progress.