Table of Contents


Welcome to All In With Functional C#.


Visual Studio 2015 and C# 6.0 will do, however for the best experience use Visual Studio 2017 and C# 7.x

A basic knowledge of the C# language is recommended.

What You're Building

In this workshop you will learn about functional C# by building a poker scoring game using C# 7.x features. You'll learn what features in C# 7.x support functional programming. The pros/cons of functional vs. imperative programming will be explored to understand the strengths of each style.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • Immutable Types
  • Basic LINQ concepts
  • Advanced LINQ concepts (yield)
  • Func Delegates
  • Expression Bodied Members
  • Extension methods and pipe-lining
  • Thread Safe Collections
  • new System.ValueTuple


In addition to this guide, a full presentation file and completed code can be found under the following folders in the repository.

Getting Up and Running

In this chapter you're setting up the basics for unit testing.

Create an xUnit Test Project - VS2017

Start by creating a new Class Library project. You'll use this project throughout the rest of this tutorial to build your application.

Exercise: Create a new project

Click File > New Project > xUnit Test Project (.NET Core)

Name the project CsharpPoker

Delete UnitTest1.cs

Using the package manager console, run the following commands

PM> Install-Package FluentAssertions

Alternatively, you can use the package manager GUI

The next steps are for Visual Studio 2015 users. You may advance to step 2.0.

VS2015 ONLY - Create a New Class Library Project

Start by creating a new Class Library project. You'll use this project throughout the rest of this tutorial to build your application.

Exercise: Create a new project

Click File > New Project > Class Library

Name the project CsharpPoker

Delete Class1.cs

VS2015 ONLY - Install the xUnit, unit testing framework

With the new project created, it's time to start building unit tests. For this guide, we are using xUnit. xUnit is a commonly used unit testing framework in .NET.

Exercise: Install xUnit

Open the package manager console, in quick launch, type: package manager console

Using the package manager console, run the following commands

PM> Install-Package xunit
PM> Install-Package xunit.runner.visualstudio
PM> Install-Package FluentAssertions

Alternatively, you can use the package manager GUI

Creating a unit test

In this chapter you'll learn how to create simple unit tests with xUnit.

Create a Card test

Throughout this workshop you'll be using poker cards to learn new functional language features. In this exercise you'll create a new folder to hold unit tests and write your first unit test for a poker card. To keep things simple, in this workshop you'll use one project for all of your code. In a real-world app you would probably use a separate test project.

Exercise: Create a Card test

Add a folder named Tests to your project.

In /Tests Add an empty class file named CardTests.cs

Make sure the CardTests class is defined as public so the test runner can see the test class.

public class CardTests

In CardTests.cs add a new test method named CanCreateCard. Test methods in xUnit use the [Fact] attribute. You may need to import xUnit with a using statement, highlight Fact and press ctrl+. (control period), the press enter.

public void CanCreateCard() { }

In the CanCreateCard method write a test that confirms that a new Card object can be created.

var card = new Card();

There is no class defined yet, so you can consider this the first failing test. In the next exercise you'll create a Card object to satisfy this test.

Create a Card object

In this exercise you'll create a card object.

Exercise: Create a Card object

In the root folder of your project, create a Card class named Card.cs.

Make the card class public.

public class Card {}

This should be enough to satisfy the first unit test. Build the project (ctrl+shift+b), open Test Explorer and click Run All. You should receive a green check-mark next to the CanCreateCard test.

If the Test Explorer window is not visible, type Test Explorer in the quick launch box.

Complete the Card object

A card must be able to represent a Suit and Value to be useful. In the next exercise you'll add some properties to the card and tests to insure a card has a Suit and Value when it is created.

Exercise: description

Give the card properties to hold a CardValue and CardSuit

public class Card
    public CardValue Value { get; set; }
    public CardSuit Suit { get; set; }

Create enums for CardValue and CardSuit

    // CardValue.cs
    public enum CardValue
        Two = 2,

    // CardSuit.cs
    public enum CardSuit

Change the CanCreateCard test so that a Card has a value when it is created, rename the test to CanCreateCardWithValue. Test to make sure the properties are NotNull.

    public void CanCreateCardWithValue() {

        var card = new Card();


Note that the test will pass even when no value was assigned. This is because enums have a default value.

To insure that a value is intentionally set, add a constructor to the Card that requires a Suit and Value.

public class Card
    public Card(CardValue value, CardSuit suit)
        Value = value;
        Suit = suit;

    public CardValue Value { get; set; }
    public CardSuit Suit { get; set; }


Change the assertion so that it checks for a predetermined Suit and Value.

var card = new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Clubs);

Assert.Equal(CardSuit.Clubs, card.Suit);
Assert.Equal(CardValue.Ace, card.Value);

Now when a Card is created it must have its properties set to a value. In the next exercise you'll refactor the Card so that it is immutable, meaning that its properties cannot be changed once the object is created.

Re-run the test to verify that the test passes.

If you're using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise edition. You can save time by enabling Live Unit Testing.

Describing a Card

One positive aspect of C# programming is that both functional and OOP styles of programming are not mutually exclusive. In this exercise you'll override the inherited ToString method of the Card object and use it to describe the Card's values.

Exercise: Override the inherited ToString method

Create a new test CanDescribeCard, this test should test a Card with the values of CardValue.Ace and CardSuit.Spades. The ToString method should return "Ace of Spades".

public void CanDescribeCard()
      var card = new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades);

      Assert.Equal("Ace of Spades", card.ToString());


Run the test to verify that it fails.

Next, update the Card object to make the test pass. Override the ToString method on the Card class and utilize the string interpolation syntax to write out the Card's description.

    public override string ToString()
        return $"{Value} of {Suit}";

Re-run the test to verify that the test passes.

Describing a Card, refactor

The ToString method is a simple, single line of code that returns a value. In this exercise you'll use an expression-bodied member to reduce the amount of code further into a concise expression.

Exercise: Convert ToString to an expression-bodied member

Find the ToString method of the Card class. Remove the braces {} from the method, and replace the return statement with a lambda arrow =>. The arrow implies that the method will return a value, and the result is a much simpler syntax.

This will reduce the method to a simple one line statement.

    public override string ToString() => $"{Value} of {Suit}";

Re-run the test to verify that the test passes.

Immutable Card object

In functional programming immutable objects are used to reduce complexity and avoid unintended changes in state. An immutable object's state cannot be modified after it is created, lowering the risk of side-effects.

Exercise: Modify the Card to make it immutable

In C# 6 or higher, backing fields and explicit readonly property declarations are not needed. By simply removing the set operator from a property will make it a read-only property.

In the Card class, remove the set declarations from each property.

public class Card
    public Card(CardValue value, CardSuit suit)
        Value = value;
        Suit = suit;

    public CardValue Value { get; }
    public CardSuit Suit { get; }

    public override string ToString() => $"{Value} of {Suit}";

Now the properties can only be set during the object's initialization.

Re-run the test to verify that the test passes.

In this chapter you created a simple object and used some functional aspects of C#. By using expression bodied-members, the ToString method was reduced to a single expression. The Card class was made immutable by using the objects constructor and removing the set declarations from the object. In the Card object, both OOP and functional programming were used in a single class.

This chapter also outlined the basics of writing and running unit tests. Now that you're comfortable with running unit tests, you will not be instructed to run tests after this point, instead feel free to run them as needed throughout the remainder of the next chapters.

A poker hand

In the previous chapter you created a simple object and used some functional aspects of C#.

In this chapter you'll start with imperative and OOP style programming. Throughout the examples you'll be asked to refactor using functional programming. This will help identify where to find balance between the two styles. As the this guide progresses, instructions will become less detailed so that you can explore your on your own.

Now that you're comfortable with running unit tests, you will not be instructed to run tests after this point, instead feel free to run them as needed. For example, after every code change.

Create a Hand

The poker hand will be used throughout the workshop. The Hand will represent a player's hand of cards. For this workshop a five card hand will be scored using imperative and functional programming.

Exercise: Create the HandTests

Create a test class named HandTests in the /Tests folder. Make sure HandTests is public.

Use the following tests to create a Hand class that has a Cards property and a Draw method.

    public void CanCreateHand()
        var hand = new Hand();

    public void CanHandDrawCard()
        var card = new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades);
        var hand = new Hand();


        Assert.Equal(hand.Cards.First(), card);

Create a Hand class that satisfies the tests.

public class Hand
    public Hand()
        Cards = new List<Card>();
    public List<Card> Cards { get;}

    public void Draw(Card card)


The Hand class will hold a players hand of cards. In the next exercises you will be scoring the Hand of cards from the Cards property in the Hand class.

Getting the high card

In a game where all players hands are a equal in rank, the winner is decided by comparing the highest card in their hands. Add a HighCard method to the Hand that returns the highest CardValue in the hand.

Exercise: Score the high card

Below is a test method you can use to validate your HighCard method.

    public void CanGetHighCard()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Five, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Two, CardSuit.Hearts));
        Assert.Equal(CardValue.King, hand.HighCard().Value);

When this test passes, move on to the next exercise.

Hand rankings

In the previous exercise, you determined the high card. Now add a HandRank GetHandRank method that will return the Hand's HandRank.

Exercise: Score the high card

Add the HandRank enum to your project.

public enum HandRank

Use the following tests to create a GetHandRank method on the Hand object that will return the correct HandRank for the test. Only score the Ranks below, you'll be refactoring as the workshop progresses and scoring additional HandRanks as you learn about OOP and functional programming.

    public void CanScoreHighCard()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Five, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Two, CardSuit.Hearts));
        Assert.Equal(HandRank.HighCard, hand.GetHandRank());

    public void CanScoreFlush()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Two, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Three, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Five, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Six, CardSuit.Spades));
        Assert.Equal(HandRank.Flush, hand.GetHandRank());
    public void CanScoreRoyalFlush()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Queen, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades));
        Assert.Equal(HandRank.RoyalFlush, hand.GetHandRank());

When this test passes, move on to the next exercise.

Hand rankings, answers

Now that the HighCard, Flush, and RoyalFlush hand ranks have been scored, review the answers to see how the code can be written using functional programming.

Exercise: Answers for HighCard, Flush, RoyalFlush

Open open the folder /chapter3/answers/first-pass

Open Hand.cs and review the comments

Hand rankings, refactored

Now that the HighCard, Flush, and RoyalFlush hand ranks have been scored, review the answers to see how the code can be refactored using functional programming.

Exercise: Answers for HighCard, Flush, RoyalFlush

Open open the folder /chapter3/answers/refactored

Open Hand.cs and review the comments

Refactor your own code and make sure all of your tests pass.

Hand Tests refactored

Now it's time to refactor the tests using method chains. Pipelines are often found in functional programming languages. Pipelines allow functions to be chained or composed to produce easily maintainable and readable code.

Exercise: Using Fluent Assertions

Open /Tests/HandTests.cs

Add a reference to FluentAssertions.

using FluentAssertions;

Modify the Assert statement to use the FluentAssertions chain instead. To do this, start with the value that will be tested and continue with the method Should().Be(expectedValue)

Assert.Equal(CardValue.King, hand.HighCard().Value);



Below is a example of the completed CanGetHighCard test

public void CanGetHighCard()
    var hand = new Hand();
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Spades));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Five, CardSuit.Hearts));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Hearts));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Two, CardSuit.Hearts));


Refactor all tests to use Fluent Assertions.

Finding Pairs

In the previous chapter you solved a few hand ranks using LINQ and refactored tests with method chains with the help of FluentAssertions.

In this chapter you'll continue with imperative and OOP style programming. Throughout the examples you'll be asked to refactor using functional programming. Later in this chapter, you'll learn about working with concurrency in C#.

Feel free to run tests as needed. For example, after every code change.

Scoring Pairs

Continue to update the poker hand used throughout the workshop.

Exercise: Score pairs (of a kind) hand ranks

    public void CanScorePair()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Nine, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades));

    public void CanScoreThreeOfAKind()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Nine, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));
    public void CanScoreFourOfAKind()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));

    public void CanScoreFullHouse()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));


When this tests pass, move on to the next exercise.

Hand rankings, answers

Now that the Pairs (of a kind) hand ranks have been scored, review the answers to see how the code can be written using functional programming.

Exercise: Answers for Pairs (of a kind), FullHouse

Open open the folder files/04-Pairs/answers/first-pass

Open Hand.cs and review the comments

Hand rankings, refactored

Now that the Pairs (of a kind) hand ranks have been scored, review the answers to see how the code can be refactored using functional programming.

Exercise: Answers for Pairs (of a kind), FullHouse

Open open the folder files/04-Pairs/answers/refactored

Open Hand.cs and review the comments Open EvalExtensions.cs and review the comments

Finding Sequences

In the previous chapter you solved more hand ranks using higher order functions and refactored with an extension method to create a method chain.

In this chapter you'll continue with imperative and OOP style programming. Throughout the examples you'll be asked to refactor using functional programming. Later in this chapter, you'll learn about working with the Yield operator in C#.

Feel free to run tests as needed. For example, after every code change.

Scoring a Straight

Continue to update the poker hand used throughout the workshop.

Exercise: Score a Straight

    public void CanScoreStraight()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Queen, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades));


    public void CanScoreStraightUnordered()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Queen, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Jack, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Hearts));


When this tests pass, move on to the next exercise.

Hand rankings, answers

Now that the Straight hand rank has been scored, review the answers to see how the code can be written using functional programming.

Exercise: Answer for Straight

Open open the folder files/05-Sequences/answers/first-pass

Open Hand.cs and review the comments

Hand rankings, refactored

Now that the Straight hand rank has been scored, review the answers to see how the code can be refactored using functional programming.

Exercise: Answers for Straight

Open open the folder files/05-Sequences/answers/refactored

Open Hand.cs and review the comments Open EvalExtensions.cs and review the comments

Functional Refactor

In the previous chapter you solved more hand ranks using LINQ and refactored with the yield keyword to create a custom LINQ-like extension method.

In this chapter you'll refactor to use a more functional approach to scoring a hand.

Feel free to run tests as needed. For example, after every code change.

Data and Behavior

Up until now we have combined our Hand object with the behavior of scoring. Ideally these concepts should not be mixed. Because there is no state to be concerned about, the scoring functions can be moved with relative ease.

Exercise: Refactor with Pure Functions

Create a new public static class named FiveCardPokerScorer

Open Hand.cs and move the scoring functionality to FiveCardPokerScorer.cs. Because the functionality will be external to the data, the funcitons will need to be modified to accept the data as a parameter. In addtion, this will bring the application closer in-line with functional programming because the new functions are considered "pure functions".


public static class FiveCardPokerScorer
    public static Card HighCard(IEnumerable<Card> cards) => cards.Aggregate((highCard, nextCard) => nextCard.Value > highCard.Value ? nextCard : highCard);

    private static bool HasFlush(IEnumerable<Card> cards) => cards.All(c => cards.First().Suit == c.Suit);

Create a new test class in /Tests named FiveCardPokerScorerTests

Move the corresponding tests from HandTests to FiveCardPokerScorerTests.

public void CanGetHighCard()
    var hand = new Hand();
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Seven, CardSuit.Spades));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Clubs));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Five, CardSuit.Hearts));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.King, CardSuit.Hearts));
    hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Two, CardSuit.Hearts));

Functions as Data - VS2017 C# 7.1+

If you're using VS2015 C# 6.0 skip this exercise.

Exercise: Refactor GetHandRank with Tuples

Create a new public class named Ranker

Open Hand.cs and create a new private method named Rankings that generates a collection of Tuples. Use the following code as a starting point, fill in the remaining items

private List<(Func<IEnumerable<Card>, bool> eval, HandRank rank)> Rankings() =>
        new List<(Func<IEnumerable<Card>, bool> eval, HandRank rank)>
            // more ranks here

Find the GetHandRank method and remove the expression after the =>

The result should be:

public static HandRank GetHandRank() =>

After the => write a new expression that uses the Rankings that evaluates the hand rank.

Hint: think LINQ

Functions as Data VS2015 C# 6

If you're using VS2017 C# 7.x skip this exercise.

Exercise: Refactor GetHandRank VS2015 C# 6.0 (aka No Tuples)

Create a new public class named Ranker

The Ranker an immutable class that will hold a delegate responsible for evaluating cards and a corresponding hand rank.

public class Ranker
    public Ranker(Func<IEnumerable<Card>, bool> eval, HandRank rank)
        Eval = eval;
        Rank = rank;

    public Func<IEnumerable<Card>, bool> Eval { get; }

    public HandRank Rank { get; }


Open Hand.cs and create a new private method named Rankings that generates a collection of Ranker.

Use the following code as a starting point, fill in the remaining Ranker items

private List<Ranker> Rankings() => new List<Ranker>
    new Ranker(cards => HasRoyalFlush(), HandRank.RoyalFlush),
    // more ranks here

Find the GetHandRank method and remove the expression after the =>

The result should be:

public static HandRank GetHandRank() =>

After the => write a new expression that uses the List from Rankings() that evaluates the hand rank.

Hint: think LINQ


The newest version of GetHandRank can be more flexible than the previous versions. Because it is a collection, it can easily be added to and operated on using LINQ.

Exercise: Adding new hand ranks

Adding new hand ranks is easy. Simply add a new Ranker to the Rankings collection and the GetHandRank method will do the rest.

Make the GetHandRank method even more robust by allowing Ranks to be added in any order.

Find the GetHandRank method and order the Rankings by descending order by their Strength

// With Tuples
.OrderByDescending(rule => rule.rank)

// Without Tuples
.OrderByDescending(rule => rule.Rank)

Next, solve the following unit test

    public void CanScoreTwoPair()
        var hand = new Hand();
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Clubs));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Nine, CardSuit.Spades));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ten, CardSuit.Hearts));
        hand.Draw(new Card(CardValue.Ace, CardSuit.Spades));




  1. Are you already using aspects of functional programming in your daily activities?
  2. Will you use more functional programming in your code?
  3. Is OOP obsolete? Or is there a balance that can be found between imperative and functional programing?
  4. Is functional code like LINQ easier, or harder to read, maintain, and manage?

Next Steps

Exercise: Continue on your own

Continue building the project in your own direction. Use what you have learned to add multiple hands and players to a game and score a poker game.

Add support for other poker games types, with new rules or more cards. See how loosely coupled you can make the rules/ranks from the cards and hands.